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Turning urban trees in to climate assets

Urban Trees Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation Carbon Offsetting Cooling Green Space Funding


Established in 2023, the Urban Tree Offset Initiative is a pioneering NGO taking an innovative, nature-based approach to climate change. Our advanced carbon offsetting program is designed to maximize the carbon sequestration potential of existing urban trees, while simultaneously generating co-benefits for communities and the environment. We have successfully completed the first phase of our pilot project, proving the efficacy of our method.

We envision a world where every urban tree is fully utilized as a powerful asset in the fight against climate change, harnessing its potential for both climate mitigation and adaptation.

Maximize Ecosystem Services:
We enhance the ecosystem services of strategically selected urban trees, contributing significantly to carbon reduction while maintaining resilience and safety.

Innovative Implementation: By optimizing resources and minimizing carbon footprints, we maximize environmental impact.

Efficient Resource Utilization: Our approach ensures the efficient use of resources for the greatest environmental return on investment.

Sustainable Financing: We secure financial backing to sustain and expand these vital initiatives, ensuring long-term viability.

The Urban Tree Offset Initiative holds exclusive licensing rights to future patents, including the groundbreaking invention titled "Method of reducing the CO2 content of the atmosphere by additional carbon storage in existing trees through appropriate tree selection and optimization of support measures" (CZ202386A3). This patent represents a significant advancement in carbon sequestration technology and has the potential for global scaling in urban environments. Investors are invited to acquire rights to this breakthrough technology and position themselves at the forefront of climate innovation.   
Our carbon credits are localized to individual trees, tailored to cities, or designed for custom corporate projects. The funds generated from selling these credits are reinvested into the local economy, supporting sustainable urban greenery projects.

The Urban Tree Offset Initiative is currently running a pilot project in Brno, where carbon credits are quantified, and technical measures to enhance ecosystem services are in place. This project is setting a precedent for future urban carbon offset projects across the globe.

Key Highlights of Our Approach
1. Utilization of Existing Urban Trees: Instead of investing in new green infrastructure or tree planting, we optimize the performance of mature urban trees. Research shows that a large tree can sequester significantly more carbon than hundreds or even thousands of smaller trees, with immediate benefits.

2. Combination of Sequestration and Conservation: Our method integrates both carbon preservation and sequestration, increasing carbon capture up to five times through technical measures.

3. Immediate Impact: Unlike solutions that require lengthy installations, our approach delivers immediate CO2 sequestration, making it a fast and effective response to climate challenges.

4. Low Cost, High Sustainability: By focusing on existing trees, we minimize costs and avoid the environmental side effects of some climate solutions while providing a wide array of ecosystem services like cooling and air quality improvement.

5. Localized and Detailed: Our solution focuses on individual trees, enabling clients to purchase credits that benefit the trees near their home or office, directly improving their surroundings.

6. Adaptability: This solution is adaptable to various urban conditions and local environments, making it an effective tool for diverse urban landscapes.

7. Tree Longevity: In addition to CO2 sequestration, our initiative supports measures that extend the life of urban trees, increasing their long-term value for climate adaptation.

8. Integration with Local Economy: By selling carbon credits that are reinvested locally, our initiative supports both environmental sustainability and economic growth through a multiplier effect.

9. Risk Mitigation: Our methodology includes proactive measures to protect trees from damage, ensuring their continued effectiveness in providing ecosystem services.

10. Ecological and Social Sustainability: Our financial model is aligned with ecological and social goals, ensuring that the benefits extend beyond technological innovation.

Martin Tušer
Telephone: +420 607 655 614