City Of The Future logo City Of The Future logo

Smart and functional units to cities and towns

Integrator Elements for Smart City Alliance



We create connections between functional, proven units that make city living easier. Together with experts, we pick plants, bushes and trees for use in our cities that have an added value of cooling, cleaning and providing oxygen. We believe that if nature meets smart and innovative solutions, life becomes better, simpler and more pleasant.

In cooperation with Mendel University in Brno, we pick plants, bushes and trees to match individual needs and to fulfill the function needed at the given location – cooling cities with large leaves, cleaning groundwater with special root systems, retain water in the soil with dense surface root systems or filter air pollution with uniquely structured surfaces of leaves. By planting meadows for honey production and building special, AI-monitored hives, we help bee populations grow. In city centres, we build intelligent gazebos for relaxation purposes. Besides offering an inviting space for taking a rest, their smart and interactive panels inform inhabitants about local news or news about technology and the environment etc., all this by using clean energy. Information panels are also able to notify locals about upcoming cultural events, show news from the official notice board or gives advice in crisis situations.

Besides, we are active in the field of maintenance of cities and towns. Our gazebos demonstrate the practical use of protective, water repellent nano-coatings and the cleaning effect of smart plants (Franchet's cotoneaster) as well. INFRASET, a product developed and manufactured by us, is a very popular Smart City element. It is an environmentally friendly and efficient technology for repairing defects and potholes on roads and pavements. Recycled asphalt mix is being used for these permanent repairs. Other elements of our Smart City portfolio include electronic official notice boards, ARCHIMEDES smart outdoor classrooms, eco-friendly weed killers, electric vehicle chargers, nano-coatings, graffiti removers, digital business cards, and smart lights.
